I Slang Sea Moss Interview on Plain Jane Blog

Source: Plain Jane Blog

I Slang Sea Moss (Infused with CBG)

Plants on plants on plants. From earth to sea, plants have been healing humans and animals since the beginning of time. Many are unaware of sea moss but due to recent popularity, sea moss has been raved about on social media for months now. 

Sea Moss is scientifically known as Chondrus crispus, and is a type of seaweed. It grows in waters along the rocky Atlantic coasts, primarily between North America and Europe. Its most popular form is in gel, but it is also seen in capsules, powder, and the dehydrated moss itself. 

I Slang Sea Moss is a company that turns sea moss into all of those things and below you’ll hear directly from them about sea moss and sea moss infused with CBG

Please tell us about I Slang Sea Moss, the birth, the name, the owners.

I Slang Sea Moss is a land and sea herb medicine company by Enlightened Opportunities LLC. It came after the realization of how useful sea moss could be. As a plant-based person I was no stranger to sea moss for its thickening properties, egg free dishes, or as an ice cream alternative. 20 plus years later in 2019, I realized this same sea plant is actually an herb with amazing benefits. I started taking 2 tablespoons or more and within days felt a change in my energy, appetite and hair. I had a major increase in my energy and was getting better sleep so that when I wake I am well rested. I noticed I wasn’t snacking as much as I would without purpose. My hair also started growing thicker. These were just the beginning results. More and more amazing things started happening, and as I started to tell anyone I could about sea moss, I decided to add it to my art and wellness business, Enlightened Opportunities LLC. 

The name I Slang Sea Moss came from a hashtag I used for sales online before I had a website, and kept it. It represents a part of Enlightened Opportunities that is owned by Anthony (my life partner) and I (Vee Brooks). 

Sea Moss has been getting a lot of buzz, can you explain what it is, where it’s found, the differences between sea moss in the U.S and internationally?

Sea Moss, Irish Moss, or Red Seaweed is a type of seaweed that grows year round in tidepools and inlets on the rocks. Sea Moss is commonly harvested in cold and warm waters. It grows abundantly along the rocky parts of the Atlantic coast of Europe, North America (coastal regions of the Caribbean islands and around Ireland) Africa and the Philippines. 

Please tell us about your blends and the benefits of infusing with cannabinoids like CBG.

We offer plain sea moss gel and 4 blends.The sea moss we use is wild crafted and is sourced out of St. Lucia and Northern Atlantic waters. 

We have Sea Moss with bladderwrack gel, Sea Moss with Spirulina gel, Sea Moss with CBG gel, and Sea Moss with Soursop leaf gel.

Our Sea Moss with Bladderwrack gel blend is made with bladderwrack which is a type of brown algae (seaweed – herb) that grows on the northern Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States, and on the northern Atlantic coast and Baltic coast of Europe. Bladderwrack is  great for constipation, acid reflux/heartburn, healthy thyroid function, menstrual support,  skin care and more.

Our Sea Moss with Spirulina gel blend is made with Spirulina which is a type of blue-green algae that grows in both salt and freshwater. This blend provides weight management, gut health, diabetes management, lowers cholesterol, reduces blood pressure, prevents heart disease, boosts metabolism, reduces allergy symptoms, offers anti-toxic action, and supports mental health.

Our Sea Moss with Soursop leaf gel is made with Soursop Leaf Tea. Soursop is the fruit of Annona muricata, a broadleaf, flowering, evergreen tree. The exact origin is unknown; it is native to the tropical regions of the Americas and the Caribbean and is widely propagated. This blend aids most stomach ailments, fever, parasitic infections, hypertension and rheumatism. It’s used as a sedative, as well.

Our Sea Moss with CBG blend is made with USA grown hemp- CBG flower. Sea Moss is a great choice for those with IBS and digestion issues. CBG fights inflammation, pain, nausea, and slows the proliferation of cancer cells. Clients say things like: “it has improved my sleep, mood, movement, pain, stress- I can literally go on and on”. 

Who is sea moss beneficial for/ who should be consuming? 

Anyone of all ages who doesn’t have a severe seafood allergy or isn’t taking iodine supplements can take sea moss. It’s the 2nd best food for your baby (breastmilk being first); this is a food, medicine, or multivitamin (like CBG– that’s why we love pairing the 2) being that sea moss is so nutrient rich.

What are the ways that people can consume sea moss? 

As noodles, gel by itself, in capsules, smoothies, juices, hot beverages, soups, sauces, salad dressings, egg substitute in baking, face mask, hair mask, skin salve for wounds, eczema breakout, rashes, burns, and more.

To learn more about I Slang Sea Moss, check them out here